Sunday, September 7, 2008

Nothing That a Little Art Won't Cure

Hey all, just to check in to let you know that I am healing exceptionally well and feeling fine. As it turns out, the lump below my incision (see the blog post below) was just a byproduct of the surgery. It hurts less each day and I am doing great.

In the meantime I am back to my full time shenanigans including a weekend trip to Denver with Liz to view some of her paintings in a First Friday showing in the Chac Gallery on Santa Fe in the Art District. We had an amazing time and she saw many of her old friends there. We also spent time hunting for an apartment for her because she will be moving back there shortly. Great fun!

Here's a couple of pictures from our trip:

Several highlights included having dinner with Liz's good friend Sophie (above) at Watercourse (an amazing vegetarian restaurant) and lots of reminiscing about Liz's old haunts.

Love you all - Jen B.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Love you mom! I had so much fun on that trip. Thanks for going with me! Cape Cod here we come....