Monday, May 23, 2011

The End

Yeeeikes! I posted some pretty complainey stuff in the last post and then disappeared into thin air for a couple of months! Makes me wonder why I was posting about my Carac experience at all in the first place. I guess I was trying to be as useful and helpful as other bloggers were to me about the subject. But, it's no good when suddenly there is a 2 month silence and the posts that ARE there are not that inspirational. Can I get an "A" for trying at least? The good news is that I finished up the chemotherapy a little early. It was brutal, but in the end, it was doable.

The result has been baby soft skin on my face and oddly, it has returned to the prepubescent oily state it once was when I was only 13 or so. I did lose some of the wrinkles, all of the dark spots, all of the rough spots, and it seems that all is well for now. I actually don't think about it or dwell on it at all. If I have to do the chemo again, then so be it.

For now, summer is nigh and after great amounts of thought, I will not be staying out of the sun. For me there is no life out of the sun, and I refuse to hike in a big floppy hat. So, I have found industrial strength sunscreen and that is the plan.

Please don't fret if you have to go a round of Carac. It is very difficult, but you can do it. You will be cancer free and everybody will say you look 10 years younger. You CAN do it! :-)

Into life I merrily go!

Paix - Jen

Jennifer Bunker CRS GRI
Utah Real Estate Broker

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