Monday, June 23, 2008


About a month ago (before cancer) I had a dream that I later described to my friend John as such:

"I was standing in line to check out at a clothing store (Old Navy actually) when the woman in front of me in line turned to me and in a Russian accent said, "You have the plague." She was of kindly energy and I knew that she was a being not of the earth. I said, "How do you know that?" She said, "Because I am psychic." I believed her and told her, "So am I". She winked at me and I winked at her as though our souls have had a good connection for a long time and we were sharing a long known secret friendship."

I woke up after that and spent some time considering this vivid dream. I reasoned that regular plagues such as the Bubonic et al are long under control. "Maybe she means a the modern plague - cancer," I wondered. I didn't think any more about it because surely *I* didn't have cancer!

I would find out within a week, after a routine mammogram, that I did indeed have cancer.

Listen to your dreams, get your mammograms!

Love ya - Jen

1 comment:

Whole_Body_Healer said...

VERY interesting, prophetic dream! YES, listen to dreams, intuitions, gut feelings, etc....all pointers & guides from the unseen realm of being!