In quick succession I read Quantum Wellness by Kathy Freston, Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips by Kris Carr, and the China Study by T. Colin Campbell PhD. These books present compelling facts and information regarding our modern day diets and cancer.
Many of you would agree with my doctors in saying that these notions are silly putty. But I don't believe they are. They resonate as complete truth to me. In the time frame of about a week, I have gone from vegetarian (once you read Kathy Freston's book you'll go there too) to vegan (the China Study) to some percentage of raw diet mixed with vegan (Kris's book).
I feel much better actually in terms of energy and several low level physical complai
nts that I had have now hit the road. There is no doubt that this will become a lifestyle for me. I am resolute and will not change my mind. Thank goodness for my daughter Liz, who has been a vegetarian for nearly 10 years. She has become my rock in this.

I appreciate Huntsman for the push they gave me. As we already know, it's all good no matter how it seems at the time.
I recommend that everybody digest each of these books. Share Kris's with somebody you know who has cancer or some other long-term or debilitating illness. Share the China Study with anybody that you care about.
Paix - Jen
1 comment:
Good for you, Jen! You see now that every experience adds something positive to our life, even if we don't realize it at the time.
So what seemed a horrible experience at Huntsman, gave you the push you needed to take your care into your own hands. It's positively empowering once you do that, don't you think? There's nothing like the feeling of having control over your own life!
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